Olders to Elders Who...
The Story of WELLth Movement for 2023 Onwords
What came first? It was Movement.
Then, Wellth, that became WELLth.
About well-being and well-living to the nth degree
through movement along the continuum of personal, physical movement (well-being) to involvement with socio-cultural movement (well-living)
Wellth Movement unfolds along a Pathway
to Walk with enjoyment - literally and metaphorically,
to encourage commitment to Stay Found, and
to invite Olders to Elders who:
- share the legacy they intend to live (and leave)
- serve as a mentor because of lived experience
- walk with nature as their educator
- experience the extraordinary because of their wellth decisions
- value safety of movement for self with others
- resource support for nature-aware (green) programs and projects
- live life answering the question "Whole is it, It, and IT?"
Images Below - Original Notes for the Blog Post
My Backstory for WELLth Movement
I'm on my 69th revolution of the sun.
For the first ~33 years, there was considerable movement around the world - living here and there with the family and then on my own while working and travelling.
The second ~33 years involved heart ache, business success and failure, lost friends and family, consolidating ideas, writing books, serving as a university professor - a mixed bag of living life. During this time I had a few mental hiccups, and one major episode. The tail end of the second 33 years had me dig deep into my wellthsprings of wisdom while asking for help to rescript my third ~33 years.
I've started my third ~ 33 years!
With the realization, I am years young and not years old.
I assign more meaning to the dash between my birth year and upcoming death year.
In fact, I'm adding as many dashes as I can.
And, I'm maturing in my thoughts and feelings in response
to questions like: So What? What Else? Now What?
Significant Memories Framing Development of WELLth Movement
I was asked to serve as a Development Delegate with the Ugandan Red Cross, on loan from the Canadian Red Cross (my employer) to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. For one year!
This year was FILLED with course corrections and pivots.
True! The book The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson (link to 1987 version, a link to 2009 version is here) fell off the shelf into my hands. The book had been left by a past delegate.
Many nights were spent reading and writing, thinking and feeling, and walking and rescripting next steps.
Then, on one of my many community visits, I was about to share the importance and use of condoms to lessen the spread of HIV. Having introduced myself before the presentation, I realized "What the blue blazes am I doing?" Walking back, my Ugandan partner was heading to introduce herself. As we slowly passed, I whispered "You'll make the presentation. I'll explain more later."
We had a great relationship, so she trusted me. Once introductions were completed, she stood, walked to the front of the community and spoke on the topic. I nodded my head at key points. I knew I made a pivot in my being-having-doing.
And true to form, course corrections occurred as presentations were made in other communities.
At the tail end of the year-long assignment, I was approached to serve as a guest presenter for a 10-day Delegate Training program for the 20 delegates from Norway and Africa. I said yes!
Twenty days out from the start of the delegate training in Awasa, Ethiopia... I was told I was going to design-develop-deliver the training.
Bootstrapping became my middle name, and so it began.
Collecting ideas from my Ugandan experience,
a three-day stop over in Nairobi, Kenya to chat with a few delegates,
searching facts and figures from recent relief (development) reports,
and receive admin support like typing and document formatting.
Then 5 days out, I fly to Addis Ababa to finalize the course (especially field visits) with the Head of Delegation who oversaw the Famine Relief Operation. Oh yes - print the manual!
He shared his thoughts about organizing a large operation. The notes I took ended up in a drawing that looked like an ice cream cone, with various key words like management, governance, communication, and leadership spotted around the cone. I couldn't use this diagram formally, it did help me cobble together more points I could use to prepare the delegates for the field visits.
Without realizing it, herein was a PIVOT for my Organization of SYSTEMS.
To this day it was a massive - seismic - shift
in living my work,
organizing my work, and
setting me on the path of wellth movement.
He introduced what I now call Landscape MAPPIng the ABCs of Events and Responses.
When large scale events occur there are Activities, Behaviors, and Consequences associated with the events.
And in complementary way, the same for the responses.
Using a Landscape Lens I can map what is unfolding and enfolding.
My use of MAPPing requires another blog post!
Later, I applied the same approach to contracts associated with
- team development
- organization culture
- mergers & acquisitions
And by extension, I created the Portrait Framing the ABCs of Life and Living (another post).
Today, The Connection Between WELLth Movement and Wellth Movement
WELLth Movement is the name of the company and anchors the Platform.
Wellth Movement is the broad name for the products, processes, projects, & programs available from the platform.
- Products - like books and handouts, videos - store
- Processes - like facilitative mentoring, instructive coaching, and process consulting - more
- Projects - like International Mentoring Community for certification of mentors
- Programs - like Stay Found for olders to be elders, who mentor
Also, the term wellth - as well-being for self and well-living with others - highlights movement through the lenses of profitability and sustainability that in turn support wellth and wellness (and wealth and heath) decisions.
Browse the website using the Navigation Bar... see the keywords!
The images below hint at what's to come even with the possibility of edits (add, alter, delete).
For more in-depth insights about:
Olders to Elders who discover, shape, and share the legacy they intend to live and leave Start here
Certification as a mentor Start here
To contact us use our Contact Page
Add your comments - update the insights in your words - share funnies for all of us to read below the blog list!
Importance of a Mentorship PortfolioIncludes Processfolio and ProductfolioTimestamps00:00 Moving In: 02:00 Portfolio
Audience: Olders to Elders - SoloAgers - Empty Nesters - Continuing Educators - Professionals -
Audience: Olders to Elders - SoloAgers - Empty Nesters - Continuing Educators - Professionals -
Audience: Olders to Elders - SoloAgers - Empty Nesters - Continuing Educators - Professionals -
Audience: Olders to Elders - SoloAgers - Empty Nesters - Continuing Educators - Professionals -
Audience: Olders to Elders - SoloAgers - Empty Nesters - Continuing Educators - Professionals -
[…] Blog Post: A Story About Wellth Movement, with a Focus on 1987 https://wellthmovement.com/the-story-unfolding-for-wellth-movement-01192023/ […]
[…] Find your signature story to unite your ideas. Be willing to share the story in all of its color and sounds. You’ll find your entrepreneurial spirit in the story. It will grow to be your guide in becoming exceptional at what you will do for the world. Two of my spirit guides are the young girl soldier at the roadblock in Uganda and the young woman who stood and made a great health-related presentation to the village in Uganda. (Ugandan overview here) […]
[…] The Story Unfolding for WELLth Movement 01192023 […]
[…] The Story Unfolding for WELLth Movement 01192023 […]