Live the Legacy You Intend to Leave!

As Solo Agers & Grand Agers_

Do you want to
use your Wisdom

of the Ages

gained along the

Aging Continuum of




to live the legacy
you intend to leave?

Let me ask the question in these ways: 

Igniting Desire: Are you ready to unleash the powerful storyteller within, weaving a legacy from the rich threads and strings of your life experiences?

Creating Urgency: Can you afford to let the wisdom accumulated over a lifetime go unspoken, unshared, and unremembered?

Evoking Nostalgia: Do you yearn to pass on the torch of knowledge and inspiration, ensuring your life's journey continues to impact generations to come?

Highlighting Impact: Want to leave an enduring mark for the world and footfalls with the planet by sharing your hard-earned wisdom and shaping the future?

Creating Exclusivity: Are you ready to join the ranks of those who have transformed their life experiences into a powerful legacy stories and contributions that inspires others?

Let's Acknowledge

& Celebrate you

Aging Confidently

including how you

_Remain Relevant

_Leverage Experiences

_Share Legacy Projects & Contributions

_Serve as a Mentor Strengthening Communities

_Decide the Quality of Events You Welcome Into Your Life as You Adventure Together

Watch the video to get a sense of our approach to working together_

Legacy Mentoring Aging Confidently

Working Together

Primary Focus:
Create Life Evidence-Education-Experience Approach


Two ways to move forward:
Legacy MAPPing - want to get started
Legacy Accelerator -  want your help now

Secondary Focus:
Select Your Path including Education- Experience Approach


Two ways to move forward:
Mentor MAPPing - let's get started
Mentor Accelerator - Want "Certification"

Sharing a Legacy Experience:

As an EXAMPLE of Living Legacy Life as a Mentor


Two ways to move forward:
Nature Writing - want to get started
Nature Sharing - let's share what I wrote

Subscribe to What You Want to Receive!

Enter your email so you can keep up with our Community of Olders to Elders (Agers)
We post an update on the New Moon day!

Background - Testimonials - Meet Dr. Stephen Hobbs, CEO

Of the Agers:
_Solo-agers (Living solo)

_Grand-agers (Grandparents)
_Partner-agers (with Spouse/ Significant Other)

We invite the involvement
of solo-agers and grand-agers

especially if__

You have a feisty, edging side to saying yes AND words like misfit, rebel, instigator, originator explain how you want to live your hale and hearty next fifty life__

You want to gift your knowledge and skills just as you want to learn new knowledge and skills to keep moving forward__

You are tired of the BS--MS--PS _the BullShit and More Shit_ dished your way, and especially the PostScript upsells__

You want to join a community of agers who use a legacy lens to shape and share content for simpler, deeper, better, wiser, and kinder approaches to being FOR the World, WITH the Planet, and FROM the Whole  

Jack Riley  SCP Group

Dr. Stephen Hobbs is much more of an artist as he weaves a tapestry of thought and action together into a seamless living piece of artwork...

Without hesitation, I would recommend Dr. Stephen Hobbs as a partner in your work. His effectiveness, thinking, facilitation skills, and integrity are exceptional.

extraordinary employee experiences testimonial

John Higgins

About All Things Mentoring,
Including Certification

We shared a bond. We both wanted mentoring experiences to be deeper and richer. Two sources coming together to create a legacy – a legacy that would make the world a better place through mentoring. 

Dr. Stephen Hobbs had a way to bring out the creative juices that would nurture the dream and make it a reality. Providing the pathway to continuous learning through mentor certification fueled what became our mutual legacy. Your guidance and wisdom created that pathway, and for that, I am thankful.

Picture Doug Lawrence

Doug Lawrence

Founder of TalentC

We Got Dug Into What I Had to Do - & I Found My Be-Have Along the Way!

While Legacy is a component of my offering, I got lost. More so, I got in my way. With Dr. Stephen's help I got on my way - I framed my projects and programs, and figured out the "Doorway Project" into my Hunomics Edge(TM) Platform for C-Suite Executives and Senior Leaders.

We mowed the lawn, cleaned up the pathway, and now people can see their way to the front door.

Ulwyn Pierre Photo

Dr. Ulwyn Pierre

Reinvention Sherpa - 
Embracing Freedom Global

Martin Ricketts

Martin Ricketts

Founder of Digital Samurai

Legacy Project: Digital Ronin Apprenticeship Program

I have had the privilege of collaborating with Dr. Stephen Hobbs for over two decades, focusing primarily on education and personal development. His profound expertise, drawn from a rich background in academia, business, and non-profit management, has been instrumental in shaping and advancing our initiatives. Dr. Hobbs' role in developing and implementing the Digital Ronin Apprentice program stands as a testament to his innovative approach and deep commitment to transformative education.

Beyond his professional achievements, which include his tenure as a University Professor, CEO, and Non-Profit Manager and Board Member, Dr. Hobbs has imparted invaluable insights into the significance of legacy. Our discussions about the Digital Ronin Apprentice program revealed that it is a legacy program for Digital Samurai, influencing not just current participants but also future generations. His co-management of the Competence Certification and Verification System and mentorship in Digital Transformation and Education Guidelines have been pivotal in all Digital Samurai programs, ensuring they remain at the forefront of educational excellence.

Most notably, Dr. Hobbs' programs have been a beacon of hope and empowerment for disadvantaged African youth. Through his guidance, these young individuals have discovered their core competencies and unlocked their unique brilliance. Dr. Hobbs' work is not just impactful in the present; it represents the future of learning. Digital Samurai proudly acknowledges and celebrates the transformative influence of Dr. Stephen Hobbs' work in shaping a brighter, more empowered future for young minds across the globe.

Review the Evidence Education Experience Catalyst/Accelerator
Using Legacy as an Example 


Enter your email so you can keep up with our Community of Olders to Elders (Agers)
We post an update on the New Moon day!

Connection Story:

Remain relevant, leverage experiences, share legacy contributions, and share expertise through mentoring are complete and meaningful paths on their own. Each holds its own value and significance.

To age confidently, you can choose to explore one, learn about another, and then incorporate a third, a fourth, gradually weaving them together. This approach is certainly a possibility! 

However, the true power lies in navigating each of these paths while celebrating their interconnectedness sooner than later.

By weaving them together NOW, you unlock stories and improvements that illuminate your journey, impacting your well-being and well-living with those around you.

It is through the dynamic interplay of remaining relevant, leveraging experiences, sharing contributions, and serving as a mentor that you uncover the full depth of their transformative potential.

As you intertwine these concepts and practices, you create a tapestry of arrangements and connections that light your path for the world and with the planet.

Embrace the #wholeness of these paths together and let them guide you toward a more meaningful and purposeful aliveness. 

By weaving them together, you embark on a journey of caring, connection, and contribution that encompasses your entire being and extends to the greater whole.

Next Fifty Elder Book Chapter Titles

Meet Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Your Guide on the Ride! __
Your Navigator through the Gates!

Invest in Youngers-Olders-Elders Aging Confidently Through Legacy Contributions

 I'm an ager, more so, I walk as a "Solo-Ager".

As to Older to Elder, I'm exploring what it means for me.

Over the years, across many continents, I gathered evidence-based wisdom. Now, I revamp my "wellth of experiences" into tools and techniques to encourage olders-elders (especially those solo aging) to live a hale and hearty life without stumbling along, stubbing their toes, and wasting time, effort, and money.

I help them shape and share legacy contributions that make meaningful impacts with clarity and confidence, seasoned with commitment and courage! [For all involved!]

Inviting your involvement so I can learn from you
and we can be FOR the World … WITH the Planet … FROM the Whole.

Stephen Hobbs EdD

We work with
Instigators & Originators,

Misfits, Rebels, &
Edging Co-Creators

Is that You?

Use the Contact Us Button to ask questions - alert us to your gift of a poem, story, drawing, etc. - share a funny - outline a concern. We want to learn with you! 

Click a button below to learn more about us, our programs, and what we offer.
Join us to age confidently!
