Legacy Workshops and Courses

With each workshop listing, there is a detailed description of the workshop...
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Workshops Courses Mentoring as Legacy

Legacy Essentials:
Starting Your Adventure Together

"Begin an unforgettable adventure that leaves a mark. Learn the essentials of building a legacy through mentoring & start making a difference." 

Course Details

Time: 3 hours (with a 15 minute break)
Attendees: Min 3 max 21 attendees
Date & Time: Sunday -June 1, 2024-
from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Mountain Online

Learning Outcomes:
_Define Legacy - including Legacy Dashboard
_List 5 essential "How to" characteristics of crafting legacy
_Explore legacy as an adventure together supported by your unique journey
_Use a simple story structure to frame your invitation for others to get involved with your legacy project
_Determine What's Next...
__3 month access to the recordings from date of the workshop

__Option: Open Q&A at the end of the workshop depending on group requirements

Below is a research request on Mentoring as Legacy
We appreciate your responses...

Level 1 - investment = $6.00
Receive access to the workshop and prompt book

Level 2 - investment = $24
Receive L1 and PDF copy of Legacy Notebook//Legacy Journal (books) and enter a draw for a 15 minute 1to1 call with Dr. Stephen Hobbs ($150 value)

Level 3 - investment = $60 - receive L2 and BOOK a 21-minute 1to1 call with Dr. Stephen Hobbs ($200 value) - Post workshop!

"This Course" is available SUMMER 2024

Navigating Next Fifty Transitions: Collaborative Conversations about Legacy With Whom, Why?

"Embark on a journey of discovery and connection. Learn who to invite in, why it matters, and how it can redefine your Next Fifty through crafting a Legacy Project."

Insert Video

Course Details

Time: 4 hours (with total 30-minute meal breaks)
Attendees: Min 3 max 21 attendees
Date & Time:  -SUMMER 2024-
from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Mountain Online

Learning Outcomes:
_Define and Explain Legacy Within Your Next Fifty
_Explain 3 types of transitions (because of change)
_Use a collaborative conversation approach in small group 
_Explore the Sphere of Involvement - Who and Why invite others to adventure together
_Use a simple ecological decision-making structure to determine next steps for Living Legacy Life
_Determine What's Next...

__Option: Open Q&A at the end of the workshop depending on group requirements

Below is a research request on Mentoring as Legacy
We appreciate your responses...

Level 1 - investment = $_
Receive access to the workshop and prompt book

Level 2 - investment = $__
Receive L1 and PDF copy of Legacy Notebook//Legacy Journal (book) and enter a draw for a 20-minute 1to1 call with Dr. Stephen Hobbs ($200 value)

Level 3 - investment = $__
Receive L2 and Book a 30 minute 1to1 call with Dr. Stephen Hobbs ($250 value)

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We use it to communicate about the workshops and courses.

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about Legacy with Mentoring
Products, Practices, and Projects

Here is our Research Request... 

Research Letter Legacy SoloAging
Agers Insights

What are your biggest frustrations about SoloAging connected with Legacy and Mentoring?
What is your biggest fear about discovering, shaping, and/or sharing your Legacy with Mentoring Project as a SoloAger?
If you searched Google or YouTube for insights about Legacy with Mentoring while SoloAging Confidently, what search terms would you use?
What resources - courses, webinars, books, and videos - have you read-watched on these topics? (Titles are appreciated, Links more so)
Of the resources you purchased... name it/them, your investment was, and what was missing?
How much would you invest in a course to learn why & how to deliver and maintain a Legacy with Mentoring project confidently?
If you could wave a magic wand and create a course/resources that delivered everything you need to learn-know-do on this topic, what are 3 core subjects you would include?
Is there anything you’re struggling with as you Age? SoloAge? Remain Relevant? Leverage Experience? Make a Lasting Impact?

Mentoring NOW

Mentor Within, Mentoring Without

Establish the baseline understating of Mentoring, Mentor, Mentorship for your everyday use as you share the legacy you intend to leave. 


Available as Paperback.
Buy Your Copy Today!

Mentoring NOW - Discover & Shape Your Mentoring Approach. Mentor Within, Mentoring Without - 42 Actions You Bring to Experiencing Your Life as an Elder, Mentor. 
