Are You an Older
Who Wants to Experience
Your Next Fifty
as an Elder-Mentor?

Coffee Mugs Mentor

Do You Want to:

Remain relevant...?

Create lasting, meaningful (celebrated) impact...?

Celebrate the difference you are making...?

Navigate the unique challenges of aging...?

Commit to personal growth and evolution...?

Manage well-being and well-living effectively...?

Transform your younger-older-elder experiences...?

Nurture life purpose "in your words, on your terms"...?

Contribute wholeheartedly to community activities...? 

Engage in younger-older, collaborative conversations...? 

Do You Want to:

Leverage experiences...?

Embark on an extraordinary legacy journey...?

Transition into the role of an elder-mentor...?

Leave a meaningful and continuing legacy...?

Seek wisdom from experienced elder-mentors...?

Learn about wholistic, reciprocal mentoring...?

Gain resilience along the legacy journey as a mentor...?

Remain relevant as you leverage your experiences...?

Update your Living Legacy Life decisions...?

Engage in intergenerational, collaborative conversations...? 

Answer YES to one or more of the questions above...
then, invest in one or both of the Legacy Mastery and Mentoring NOW Programs!

Each powerful! Together unstoppable!
Start One! The Next One! Finish Both!

In the intricate crafting and leaving a meaningful Older to Elder legacy, two programs stand out as pillars of transformative impact: 
Legacy Mastery and Mentoring NOW.

While Legacy Mastery equips you with the strategic path map and personalized mentoring to crystallize your legacy project, Mentoring NOW enriches your legacy journey by instilling a wholistic, reciprocal approach to mentorship through your efforts.

Together, they offer a balanced blend of guidance and collaboration, ensuring your legacy lasting impact not only reflects your values and aspirations but also fosters intergenerational wisdom and connection.

Embrace the complementary essence of these programs, and watch how they amplify the depth and breadth of living your legacy life.

Legacy Mastery
Mentoring NOW Course Banner
Mentoring NOW Cover paperback
Legacy Workbook Cover

Start and Complete one. 
Return for the other.
Join the community to further your contributions!

Legacy Mastery

Introducing Legacy Mastery:
Your Blueprint for Shaping and Sharing a Lasting Legacy

Are you an older individual seeking to leave a meaningful impact on the world? Dive deep into our "Legacy Mastery" program, where we guide you through the intricacies of crafting a purposeful legacy project. Benefit from personalized mentoring sessions that provide insights, strategies, and support tailored to your unique journey. Don't just dream of making a difference; let us help you turn that dream into a tangible legacy. Enroll today and embark on your transformative legacy journey.

🌟 Unlock Your Legacy Potential with Legacy Mastery with Mentoring NOW! 

πŸ‘‰ Ready to Transform Your Aspirations into a Lasting Legacy?
Dive deep into a transformative 90-day journey tailored for visionary individuals like you!

πŸ“… Here's What's Inside:

_*_ Attend a focused 2-hour Learn-Shop session to unearth and refine your most inspired legacy concepts.

*_* Cultivate wise practices, complete with real-world case reviews using proven mentoring tools and techniques during immersive 2-hour Work-Shops

🎯 Why Legacy Mastery?
Experience the unparalleled benefit of beta-testing a segment of your legacy project, empowering you to chart the optimal path forward with clarity and confidence.

🌱 Investment Levels: Tailored to meet your unique learning needs and desired legacy outcomes.

πŸ“ž Take Action NOW!
Ready to see if Legacy Mastery and Mentoring NOW are the perfect fit for your transformative journey?
Book a Call today to explore your potential and pave the way for a legacy that resonates for generations to come. 🌟

Legacy Mastery
_ From "Information to Transformation"
_ From "Inspired Concepts to Wise Practices"
_ From "Standing Confused to Moving Confidently"

Mentoring NOW Cover paperback

Invest in the Mentoring NOW
Online Course and Group Mentoring Package!

Mentoring NOW Course Banner

Unlock the power of mentorship with our "Mentoring NOW" program. This isn't your ordinary mentoring initiative; it's a wholistic, reciprocal approach designed for forward-thinking individuals like you. By participating in this program, you'll engage in meaningful exchanges, share invaluable wisdom, and co-create impactful legacies with your mentees. Join Mentoring NOW today and redefine what it means to leave a legacy that resonates for generations to come.

🌟 Elevate Your Mentoring Journey with Certification with Legacy Considerations! 

πŸ‘‰ Are You Ready to Amplify Your Expertise and Impact through Mentoring?
Immerse yourself in a dynamic 90-day experience tailored for passionate individuals like you!

πŸ“… Here's What You'll Gain:

_*_Engage in a focused 2-hour Learn-Shop session to explore/refine your mentoring concepts and insights.

*_* Dive into a comprehensive 2-hour Work-Shop to cultivate practices, complete with hands-on examples using cutting-edge mentoring tools and techniques.

🎯 Why Choose Mentoring NOW?
Explore mentoring as a powerful legacy project while you unlock the potential for certification, all that impactis select mentees or integrating mentoring elements into your broader legacy vision.

🌱 Investment Levels: Customized to align with your specific learning objectives and desired outcomes.

πŸ“ž Ready to Take the Next Step?
Discover if the Mentoring NOW course and certification align with your aspirations and goals for self and outcomes with others.
Book a Call today to embark on a transformative journey that transcends generations. 🌟

Mentoring NOW
_ From "Information to Transformation"
_ From "Inspired Concepts to Wise Practices"
_ From "Standing Confused to Moving Confidently"

What people are saying:

Jack Riley

Dr. Stephen Hobbs is much more of an artist as he weaves a tapestry of thought and action together into a seamless living piece of artwork...

Without hesitation, I would recommend Dr. Stephen Hobbs as a partner in your work. His effectiveness, thinking, facilitation skills, and integrity are exceptional.

extraordinary employee experiences testimonial

John Higgins

Cervus Equipment

Read On for Background Information

for the Legacy Mastery and Mentoring NOW Courses

Older to Elder, Aging Confidently:
Remain Relevant and Leverage Experiences to Share Legacy Contributions and/or Mentoring for Evolving Communities

As a Older to Elder, Ager > SoloAger, "Are you Aging Confidently?" 

While living your life today, do you

Remain Relevant...
Leverage Experiences...
Share Legacy Contributions... 
Serve as a Wholistic, Reciprocal Mentor 

in being FOR the World, WITH the Planet, and FROM the Whole?

Two Men Walking Mentoring

Let me explain:

Remain relevant, leverage experiences, share legacy contributions, and share expertise through mentoring are complete and meaningful paths on their own. Each holds its own value and significance.

To age confidently, you can choose to explore one, learn about another, and then incorporate a third, a fourth, gradually weaving them together. This approach is certainly a possibility! 

However, the true power lies in navigating each of these paths while celebrating their interconnectedness sooner than later.

By weaving them together NOW, you unlock stories and improvements that illuminate your journey, impacting your well-being and well-living with those around you.

It is through the dynamic interplay of remaining relevant, leveraging experiences, sharing contributions, and serving as a mentor that you uncover the full depth of their transformative potential.

As you intertwine these concepts and practices, you create a tapestry of arrangements and connections that light your path for the world and with the planet.

Embrace the #wholeness of these paths together and let them guide you toward a more meaningful and purposeful aliveness. 

By weaving them together, you embark on a journey of caring, connection, and contribution that encompasses your entire being and extends to the greater whole.

Two Persons Walking Mentoring

Walking Together

Coffee Mugs

Collaborative Conversations

Stephen Hobbs EdD

with Stephen Hobbs, Founder - Author

Let's keep moving forward! 

Do You Follow an Older to Elder Approach?
Do You Live the Legacy You Intend to Leave?
Are You Sharing Your Experiences as a Mentor?
Are You Walking with Nature as Your Companion & Educator?

With no - or a haphazard yes - to one or more of these questions, do you want to"

Discover Ways to Age Confidently
Along a Natural Pathway for Life's Journey?

We Guide Olders to Elders, in Midlife, Solo-Aging

_ to Deliver Legacy Projects Using a Wholistic Mentoring Approach
_ to Leave Meaningful Resources for Future Generations to Consider

Access information - for your transformation decision-making:

__Click to Learn More about Legacy Mastery
__Click to Learn More about Mentoring NOW
__Visit the Wellth Blog on the website for articles and updates
__Go to YouTube - Living Legacy Life via WellthLearningTV
__Read Legacy and Mentoring articles on Medium
__Browse the Store for Products, Services, and Experiences

Meet Stephen Hobbs
Your Guide on the Ride!
And His SoloAger Story...

Hi - WELLcome, WELLcome!

I'm an ager - in my 70th revolution of the sun (2024). 

I walk as a "Solo-Ager".
Grandparent is not a moniker I'll take up. 
Maybe adjunct grandparent ))smiles 

As to "Older to Elder", I'm exploring what it means for me. 

I'm an eco-ager, more so than an enviro-ager.
I work from a wholistic education perspective.

Stephen Hobbs EdD

Over the years, across many continents, I gathered experience-based wisdom. I wanted to harness my "wellth of experiences" and transform them into powerful tools and techniques for personal growth and influence. 

During the development and delivery of the different activities, I've seen the "applicability required" for an evolving society. 

Learning to navigate the shifting landscape is a way I remain relevant & current. I'm an avid Awareness Writer (landscape without within) rather than a Conscious Writer (portrait within without). Learn more here.

Of importance to my head, heart, and hands was to leverage my unique strengths and contributions in ways I could live the legacy I intend to leave for future generations. My main legacy project is Awarests - about the awareness of trees and forests. It's a great working example to showcase the interactions between Legacy Mastery and Mentoring NOW.

Thus - here I am. Inviting you to get involved with the WELLth Movement through which you can help yourself & those you love. And, for all of us to work together in being 
FOR the World
WITH the Planet
FROM the Whole. 

Tree Canada Tuque
Stephen Hobbs

Use the Contact Us Button to ask questions - alert us to your gift of a poem, story, drawing, etc. - share a funny - outline a concern. We want to learn with you! 

Click a button below to learn more about us, our programs, and what we have to offer.
Join us to age confidently!
