January 2, 2023

Loverage Your Legacy Actionable Insights One thru Five 01022023

by Stephen Hobbs in wellth movement  | 1 Comments


Loverage Your Legacy Actionable Insights One thru Five 

Actionable Insight #1

Think about your immediate influence, about living local.

Think beyond the borders of your immediate influence, about living global.
Negotiate your influence pattern for local to global and/or global to local. 

When you discover, shape, and share your legacy project, stories, and contributions, you develop a sphere of influence. This sphere is of your making and is greatly impacted by those who influence you and who you influence. 

A) Often your influence is local.
Others have global influence.
Still others are glocal - have both local and global influence. 
Currently, are you local - global - glocal? You intention is to influence at a local - global - glocal level?

B) Your influence border is permeable. It's shaped like an amoeba rather than a circle.
An amoeba shifts with its external situation - it does its best to be with the situation.  
You could say you have an amoeba of influence!

C) Questions of Interest:

  1. Who influences you?
  2. You Influence who?
  3. Why are you influencing?
  4. How are you influencing others?
  5. When and where do you influence?
  6. What resources (time, effort, and money) does it take to influence others?
  7. What is the fitness of your influence - what does it lead to?

Actionable Insight #2

Work with a wide variety of collaborative arrangements.

Assess the evolving network of organization that influences you and you influence. Understand your web of correspondence, of connections. 

These word definitions add meaning to the Actionable Insight:

Variety - think about a range of --- include diversity and inclusion concepts and practices 

Collaboration is about high cooperation and high assertiveness (more from Thomas-Kilmann)

Assess - review, evaluate

Evolving - advancing, growing, building 

Network - structure with no center

Organization - primary use of the term: the act of organizing; secondary: legal entity 

Influence - consideration of voice, authority mastery, and position 

Web - like a spider's web where strength is in the connections, ways to correspond with one another


Actionable Insight #3

Respond at the rate of knowledge generation.

Reinvent your organization of work and your allocation of resources especially time, effort, and money.
Show technological savvy.
Encourage learning through socio-intellectual diversity.
Develop a repository of wise practices and inspired standards. 

From facts comes data; from data comes information; from information comes knowledge; from knowledge you can share wisdom.

When sharing your wisdom you offer to another facts to complete their cycle.
With this cycle... Question the reliability and validity, and dependability and generality 

Review the product and process called organization

Stay with the technology curve; there are times to use it, there are times to wait

Know the latest Socio-Cultural, Technological, Environmental, Economical, and Political (STEEP) buzz to determine its fit with your organization of time, effort, and money

Bring diverse perspectives, persons, POVs together without excuses

Keep an organization library of wise practices and inspired standards
With the Einstein caveat (I paraphrase):
Of the thoughts, feelings, and actions that got you into today,
They are not the same thoughts, feelings, and actions that will get you onto tomorrow


Actionable Insight #4

Deal with ambiguities and uncertainties.

Reconcile coexistence of apparent paradoxes.
Enroll persons to evolve the paradoxes in your words, on your terms.
Grow systems capable of delivery while holding paradoxes.
Guide persons to assess the reality of the situation.
Demonstrate the resiliency of tenacity and persistence.

Know the situation in which you find yourself along this continuum:
Uncertainty -- Ambiguity -_Confusion_- Risk -- Certainty 

Coexistence has you working between, together, and beyond

Paradoxes are real
Paradox is a statement that seems contradictory, unbelievable, or absurd but may be true in fact:
Read more from WELLth Blog

Instead of getting persons to buy in, enroll them in what is unfolding which requires leading via story sharing 

Systemic (beyond systematic) thinking is required.
Thinking through the "whole of wholes"
A person is a whole within a whole!
Use linear mechanical Either, AND/OR, Both nested fluid approaches

One water + One water = 1 water
One rock + One rock = 2 rocks (Edward deBono - Lateral Thinking)
Of water and rock, water has perseverance, rock has stability

Encourage persons to use critical thinking (and feeling) concepts and skills.
Encourage their use of a "meaningful pattern recognition" framework/map for interpretation and translation
Encourage organization language in the words of those involved for the organization conversations 

Resilience - the ability to get up when knocked down, to bounce back to a higher level than upon entry, without dysfunction
Tenacity - to sustain a firm grip (understanding) on what's happening
Persistence - to remain present when times are tough 


Actionable Insight #5

Ensure interpersonal competence.

Create fellowship among those you serve and those who contribute to your success.

Start with full confidence in the potential of those involved.

Treat each person as a person.

Exercise authority that is person specific.

Ensure intercultural competence. 

Sharing collaborative conversations
within a framework of communication
is important to the everyday and
long-term viability of the organization,
especially in the correct use
of time, effort, and money
assigned to mission, vision, and values

Persons must remain competent in communication through conversation
With conversation there is conservation; with conservation there is conversation

Fellowship aligns with sharing truth, trust, and transparency in the tough times and the pleasant times
Confidence in another's work encourages reciprocation
More so, with caring, respect, and fairness
Video 1 - here: Know Trust Challenge Legacy Intention Words
Video 2 - here: Work Ethic Truth Trust Transparency (oldie, yet a goodie!)

Each person is accountable for their work, responsible to do it, and author of their outcome stories.
With authorship comes voice, mastery, and position.

Socio-cultural variability//intercultural competence is increasing with the movement of persons.
5 Broad Insights about Movement
_ about Fitness - in the physical sense, linked to ergonomics … to move from A to B - get out from behind your desk and move
_ about Fitness - in terms of what does it lead to (What is the fit of this program in our service offerings?) … in other words, what do your actions lead to?
_ for internal use - as in program movement - to maneuver the program into alignment for completion … have a Community of Practice - A Movement of Safety (not a Culture of Safety)
_ for external use - as in, How does the Organization contribute to society because of the influence of the Well-Living Workplace platform and paradigm? - about dealing with societal movements like homelessness, diversity & inclusion, etc.
_ about Management and Leadership - through story-telling and story-sharing … suggesting the motion required by holding attention of the stakeholders

In the next post Insights 6 through 10...


The Full List of
10 Loverage Your Legacy
Actionable Insights

  1. Think about your immediate influence, about living local. Think beyond the borders of your immediate influence, about living global. Negotiate your influence pattern for local to global and/or global to local. 
  2. Work with a wide variety of collaborative arrangements. Assess the evolving network of organization that influences you and you influence. Understand your web of correspondence, of connections. 
  3. Respond at the rate of knowledge generation. Reinvent your organization of work and your allocation of resources especially time, effort, and money. Show technological savvy. Encourage learning through socio-intellectual diversity. Develop a repository of wise practices and inspired standards. 
  4. Deal with ambiguities and uncertainties. Reconcile coexistence of apparent paradoxes. Enroll persons to evolve the paradoxes in your words, on your terms. Grow systems capable of delivery while holding paradoxes. Guide persons to assess the reality of the situation. Demonstrate the resiliency of tenacity and persistence. 
  5. Ensure interpersonal competence. Create fellowship among those you serve and those who contribute to your success. Start with full confidence in the potential of those involved. Treat each person as a person. Exercise authority that is person specific. Ensure intercultural competence.
  6. Share via a sense of caring and stewardship. Exhibit a sense of humility in success and courage in failure. 
  7. Offer a Point of View from where you are headed. Base your direction on sustainable, regenerative knowledge. Develop a beneficial course of action. Inspire the direction you ask others to work from. Focus on what matters most. Share a short, organic process message. 
  8. Encourage persons to reflect on ethical values. Support and model the values to be supported. Distinguish between those who are committed to the values and those who glance at the values.
  9. Show others how to manage, how to lead. Share leading among those assigned accountability. Link transitions to change through creativity and innovation. 
  10. Account for your performance in words and numbers. Oblige the committed to take responsibility for what has been decided.
Add your comments - update the insights in your words - share funnies for all of us to read!
Stephen Hobbs EdD


Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Write about Older to Elder Legacy Life
- Walk with Nature as My Educator 
- Share the Legacy I Intend to Live

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