January 3, 2023

Loverage Your Legacy Actionable Insights Six thru Ten 01032023

by Stephen Hobbs in wellth movement  | 0 Comments


Loverage Your Legacy Actionable Insights Six thru Ten

Read about Insights 1 through 5... here

Actionable Insight #6

Share via a sense of caring and stewardship.

Exhibit a sense of humility in success and courage in failure. 

A choice exists - share what you know and do... or hoard it. Your decision is?
By sharing, you contribute to others' and their work
When you are in service to another you set up a connection that nurtures growth - for both of you!
This sharing is not at your expense, however

Humility is when you say thanks for others' help when it is going great;
Humility is saying thanks to others for helping you learn through your mistakes

Share what achievements occur because others helped you accomplish the shared success
Demonstrate courage in mistakes for they are moments of learning too rich to ignore

Ignorance is not bliss in your organization of time, effort, and money:
Ignorance is your statement that you have given up on your learning, and moving forward


Actionable Insight #7

Offer a Point of View from where you are headed.

Base your direction on sustainable, regenerative knowledge.
Develop a beneficial course of action.
Inspire the direction you ask others to work from.
Focus on what matters most.
Share a short, organic process message. 

Perspective is what you gain and have
Point of View is what you share with others

Gather insights
Triangulate them as evidence for knowing-and-doing

Determine your cycle of learn-action
Acknowledge it - then decide advance - amplify - accelerate it

Share your POV from the future
In workplace via mission, vision, and values
In lifespace via purpose, vision, and values
Weave all together

What matters most to you are your actions-behaviors-consequences
The way your feet are pointed is important

Share short messages that:


Actionable Insight #8

Encourage persons to reflect on ethical values.

Support and model the values to be supported.
Distinguish between those who are committed to the values and those who glance at the values.

The ethics of connecting with others - no matter who or where or when - influence the head, heart, and hands of all involved
Create miscues with ethics - there is friction
Create support with ethics - there is faction

The 7 values we share: accountability, caring, community/citizenship, fairness, hospitality, respect, and trustworthiness 
These seven ethics are filters for decision making 

Walk and talk, care and share these ethics

Commitment to ethics takes courage
Commitment is made to self, shown in connections
often, person's voice estimates that are expectation
instead voice commitments that are promises to keep
You can recommit - share why!

Words matter - there are no absolute words - yet, listen to the words to walk with ethics 


Actionable Insight #9

Show others how to manage, how to lead.

Share leading among those assigned accountability.
Link transitions to change through creativity and innovation. 

A fundamental truth - when you help them to help you, you can manage with safe systems and lead from safer practices
The more you use their words - the more you touch their heart

With assigned accountability and responsibility, a person decides what they get

Creativity and innovation - together - frame the creative process
They are two sides of the same coin
The movement between and together is lively and unpredictable, yet enlightening and scary  

Transition are the ways you deal with change, respond to change
When transition is accompanied with intention, there is inspiration and enthusiasm
Without intention, there are swings of aggravation to stalled stasis of numbness


Actionable Insight #10

Account for your performance in words and numbers.

Oblige the committed to take responsibility for what has been decided.

Your readiness, ability, and willingness to manage and lead forward involves decisions, actions, and outcomes
Framed by safety - manage safe systems, lead safer practices
It's about:
Performance for self
Productivity with others
Progression before Perfection
AND, the Use of
Preparation Checklist
Prevention Backpack
Practice Continuance 

Sometimes a destination is a place to regroup, to learn and develop, to confirm competence, and to take wellness time

As mentioned already - words matter, stories matter for awareness and intention
And numbers matter - share numbers that are clear for awareness and attention

Read about Insights 1 through 5... here


The Full List of
10 Loverage Your Legacy
Actionable Insights

  1. Think about your immediate influence, about living local. Think beyond the borders of your immediate influence, about living global. Negotiate your influence pattern for local to global and/or global to local. 
  2. Work with a wide variety of collaborative arrangements. Assess the evolving network of organization that influences you and you influence. Understand your web of correspondence, of connections. 
  3. Respond at the rate of knowledge generation. Reinvent your organization of work and your allocation of resources especially time, effort, and money. Show technological savvy. Encourage learning through socio-intellectual diversity. Develop a repository of wise practices and inspired standards. 
  4. Deal with ambiguities and uncertainties. Reconcile coexistence of apparent paradoxes. Enroll persons to evolve the paradoxes in your words, on your terms. Grow systems capable of delivery while holding paradoxes. Guide persons to assess the reality of the situation. Demonstrate the resiliency of tenacity and persistence. 
  5. Ensure interpersonal competence. Create fellowship among those you serve and those who contribute to your success. Start with full confidence in the potential of those involved. Treat each person as a person. Exercise authority that is person specific. Ensure intercultural competence. 
  6. Share via a sense of caring and stewardship. Exhibit a sense of humility in success and courage in failure. 
  7. Offer a Point of View from where you are headed. Base your direction on sustainable, regenerative knowledge. Develop a beneficial course of action. Inspire the direction you ask others to work from. Focus on what matters most. Share a short, organic process message. 
  8. Encourage persons to reflect on ethical values. Support and model the values to be supported. Distinguish between those who are committed to the values and those who glance at the values.
  9. Show others how to manage, how to lead. Share leading among those assigned accountability. Link transitions to change through creativity and innovation. 
  10. Account for your performance in words and numbers. Oblige the committed to take responsibility for what has been decided.

Add your comments - update the insights in your words - share funnies for all of us to read!

Stephen Hobbs EdD


Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Write about Older to Elder Legacy Life
- Walk with Nature as My Educator 
- Share the Legacy I Intend to Live

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