December 5, 2023

Value Actionist: Empowering Your Legacy Pathway with Truth, Worth, and Utility 05122023

by Stephen Hobbs in wellth movement  | 0 Comments

Audience: Those shaping and sharing (while living and leaving) a legacy project (with its stories & contributions) for the world and/or with the planet like… Agers - SoloAgers - Empty Nesters - Continuing Educators - Professionals - Retired Creators - Olders as Elders - Grandparents - Intergenerational Contributors - and YOU!

Value Actionist

Empowering Your Legacy Pathway with Truth, Worth, & Utility

Value Actionist

Walking In

Walking the legacy path, as you craft your legacy project, is a profound and meaningful endeavor, especially for (Solo)Agers.

All legacy paths are unique, often marked by challenges. Also, they offer a wealth of experience and wellth of wisdom to share for the world. 

To embark on this journey with clarity and purpose, it's essential to become a Value Actionist for your legacy project.

In this article, we'll explore the vital steps of

  • identifying your personal values, 
  • setting clear intentions for your legacy project, and
  • understanding the powerful connection between your values and intentions

Identify Personal Values: The Foundation of Legacy Activation

Personal values are the core principles that guide our decisions, behaviors, and the impact we wish to make for the world and with the planet. To become a Value Actionist for your legacy project, you must first identify and understand your personal hierarchy of values.

How do personal values affect a legacy project?

Your personal values are the propelling influence behind your legacy project. They shape the goals you set, the decisions you make, the outcomes you intend, and the impact you aim to have for humanity. By identifying your values, you gain insight into what truly matters to you and what you want your legacy to reflect.

To identify your personal values, consider the following:

"Hierarchy of values that guide your legacy life" refers to a structured system or arrangement of values that plays a significant role in shaping and influencing the way you live your life, especially where and when you discover, shape, and share you legacy project, stories, and contributions.

In this context, "values" typically refer to the inspired standards, wise practices, evidence-framed beliefs, and wholistic, reciprocal priorities that hold importance to you and your intended activities, behaviors, and consequences. 

The three broad values are: 

  • Truth from experiment
  • Worth from evaluation
  • Utility from development

The term "hierarchy" implies you organize your values in a structured order, suggesting that some values may take precedence over others and play a more central role in guiding your decisions, actions, and outcomes for the legacy you intend to live to leave. See sidebar!

This self-discovery is the cornerstone of your journey as a Value Actionist. 

Values Truth Worth Utility

Dr. John Demartini’s free
Hierarchy of Values Determination
is a great place to start.

Available here

Discuss Intention for a Legacy Project: Clarifying Your Purpose

Every meaningful project, including legacy projects, requires a plain (clear) intention. 

*__What do you hope to achieve with your legacy project? 

*__What impact do you want it to have for the world and with the planet, and both together from the whole? 

Awareness is the dynamic balance between intention and attention.
__Intention from the future for the present - manifestation
__Attention from the present for the future - materialization

More specially, as to intention, it refers to a purposeful map with deliberate plan you set to develop and deliver a meaningful and impactful legacy. It involves a clear and conscious decision about the impact, stories, and contributions you desire to leave for future generations. 

Having intention in legacy-building means actively shaping and directing your time, effort, and money. It implies head-heart-hands considerations of the legacy you intend to live to leave.

Two Men Walking Mentoring

Three Topics to Align Values and Intention:

Reflective Pause - take a few minutes and ask yourself these three questions…

  1. What is YOUR hierarchy of values?
  2. Why is it important for YOU to identify your intentions for the project?
  3. What steps can YOU take to align your legacy intentions with your personal values?

Reminder Responses…

Value Hierarchy:
Identify your core values and establish a hierarchy to understand which values hold the greatest importance. This hierarchy will guide your decision-making and project mapping//planning.

Intention Clarity:
Define–clearly–the intentions for your legacy project. What shift (outcome) do you want to bring about, and how does it align with your values? This intention clarity serves as your project's gyrocompass.

Alignment Assessment:
Evaluate–regularly–your alignment with your values and intentions. As you develop and deliver your legacy project, include its progress in this assessment. If there are discrepancies, make necessary adjustments to realign your project.

Moving Forward:

By becoming a Value Actionist, you clarify your personal values, set intentions for your legacy project, and ensure that your project aligns perfectly with your values and intentions. 

The result of this process is a legacy project driven by purpose and authenticity, reflecting the essence of who you are and the impact you wish to make. 

Walking as a Value Actionist is a powerful and transformative one, shaping a legacy that truly matters to you and for the world.

Starting the interview process for a cohort Legacy Mastery course starting in January 2024.  
 9  8 Seats available at time of posting this article!

Learn more...

Legacy Mastery

Personal Reflection:

In a world often characterized by laborious planning, the ignorance of key project elements, and unclear project framing, through the Legacy Mastery Program (Course and Mentoring) you become the master of your legacy and legacy project. 

  • You do not need project management experience - you have some of it, we can fill in the blanks!
  • You do not need marketing experience - yet you experience it everyday!
  • You do not need considerable financial resources - could be helpful.
    Yet, most projects are about time and effort!

What you require–is being ready, able, and willing

  • to clarify your legacy project pathway with confidence and commitment 
  • to connect and complete a “section//element of your selected project (beta test)” 
  • to confirm a green light to move forward with the whole project
Watercolor Forest

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Legacy Journal Cover

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Legacy Notebook Cover

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What are your biggest frustrations about SoloAging connected with Legacy and Mentoring?
What is your biggest fear about discovering, shaping, and/or sharing your Legacy with Mentoring Project as a SoloAger?
If you searched Google or YouTube for insights about Legacy with Mentoring while SoloAging Confidently, what search terms would you use?
What resources - courses, webinars, books, and videos - have you read-watched on these topics? (Titles are appreciated, Links more so)
Of the resources you purchased... name it/them, your investment was, and what was missing?
How much would you invest in a course to learn why & how to deliver and maintain a Legacy with Mentoring project confidently?
If you could wave a magic wand and create a course/resources that delivered everything you need to learn-know-do on this topic, what are 3 core subjects you would include?
Is there anything you’re struggling with as you Age? SoloAge? Remain Relevant? Leverage Experience? Make a Lasting Impact?

Grandparent Walking
Two Persons Walking Mentoring

Along the journey as you weave your tapestry, paint your canvas, write in your journal
understanding StoryScope and Legacy are important concepts and practices.

A quick reminder of both follow: 

Understanding the StoryScope

Our lives are stories waiting to be told, narratives that unfold with each passing day.

The metaphor of "StoryScope" invites us to view this narrative through different lenses. Just as telescopes reveal the vastness of the universe, microscopes uncover the intricacies of the microscopic world, stethoscopes listen to our vital sounds of living, our StoryScope allows us to explore and find the full spectrum of our daily existence.

Our daily lives resemble a kaleidoscope, with each decision, action, and interaction contributing to the ever-shifting, meaningful pattern.

As SoloAgers and seasoned professionals, you have a unique perspective on life's twists and turns. Your legacy is not only a reflection of your past-present but a blueprint for the future-present.

Legacy: The Useful Whats

Legacy is often associated with material wealth, but it extends far beyond possessions. Legacy comprises the "useful whats" we leave behind, including our time, effort, and money. These elements are the building blocks and seedbeds of our legacy, and how we allocate, plant them shapes the stories we share.

For Agers, especially SoloAgers (and Olders to Elders), who have accumulated a wealth-wellth of experiences and knowledge, legacy is about passing on wisdom and lessons. Your is about preserving your story as it is about empowering others to write their chapters more skillfully. As professionals and educators, your legacy resides in the work you shared, the values you instilled, and the innovations you sparked.


Guide to Programming through WELLth Movement 

for Aging, especially SoloAging: Professionals and ParaProfessionals 

Below, if the numbered title is bold blue, it is ACTIVE!
Here you can click access more information and the investment buttons. 
The non-Active buttons are coming on line before the end of 2023!

Legacy EcoSystem and Path Map is the place and space for collaborative conversations about all things living legacy life. Audience: Those living a sololiving, soloagaing lifestyle (and their friends). 

Click image to learn more...

Legacy Agora EcoSystem

If you have a Question and/or Comment
about one or more of the Programs and Projects

in the Legacy Agora EcoSystem and/or the PathMap,
please use this form. TU!

PS: The System and Maps are subject to Edits.

soloager soloaging woman

Transparency: AI-assisted based on priming and prompting! Considerable editing followed. 

Wellth Vision Board

The WELLth Movement Vision Board for 2023 and more...


It's all about sharing the legacy you intend to live (and leave).

For more in-depth insights about:
INVITE Soloaging Olders to be Elders
who discover, shape, and share the legacy
they intend to live and leave Start here 
Certification as a mentor Start here

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Stephen Hobbs EdD


Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Write about Older to Elder Legacy Life
- Walk with Nature as My Educator 
- Share the Legacy I Intend to Live

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