October 11, 2023

Navigating Wellness in SoloAging Your Introductory Guide 11102023

by Stephen Hobbs in wellth movement  | 0 Comments

Navigating Wellness in SoloAging

Your Introductory Guide

SoloAging is a unique journey that comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to health and wellness.

Two Persons Walking Mentoring

Walking In

This article introduces the essential aspects of health for SoloAgers who become Wellness Wholversants. We'll explore physical well-being, mental-emotional health, and the concept of soulual well-being to help you plan for a well-balanced and fulfilling SoloAging SoloLiving lifestyle.

Wellness Planning Framed by
Key Aspects of Health and
Wholistic PsychoSocial Safety:

It's crucial to understand the core concept of wellness planning and why it matters in the context of SoloAging.

At the heart of what matters is to address the fundamental question: "What aspects of my health should I focus on as a SoloAger? What key areas deserve my attention, ensuring a wholistic safety approach to well-being for self (psycho) while integrating well-living with others (social)?"

SoloAging is an opportunity to create a well-balanced lifestyle that encompasses physical, mental-emotional, and soulual well-being. "What strategies and practices can I weave together to achieve this balance, enabling me to thrive along my SoloLiving SoloAging journey? What resources do I allocate for my (our shared) Wholistic PsychoSocial Safety Health and Wellness Journey?"

Some Struggles in Navigating Wellness:

  • Neglecting Aspects of Health:
    It's common to overlook certain aspects of health or prioritize one over the others, leading to imbalances.
  • Lacking Wellness Strategies:
    Many SoloAgers may struggle with developing concrete wellness strategies, making it challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Navigating Wholistic Safety Well-Being:
    The concepts and practices of Wholistic Safety including soulual well-being may be unfamiliar to some SoloAgers, leading to uncertainty about how to incorporate it into their lives.

Some Questions to Guide Your Wellness Journey:

  • What aspects of my health should I focus on as a SoloAger?
    Gain insights into the core areas of health that deserve your attention.
  • How can I plan for a well-balanced lifestyle that includes physical, mental-emotional, and soulual wellbeing?
    Discover actionable strategies and practices for achieving a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.
  • What resources are available to help me navigate health and wellness during SoloAging?
    Explore the wealth of resources and support systems designed to assist you on your wellness journey.

Introducing the term Wellness Wholversant

Wellness Wholversant is someone (and/or SELF) who assists individuals in addressing various aspects of their health and wellness, well-being for self and well-living with others, including wholistic psychosocial safety requirements, and covering physical, mental-emotional, and soulual well-being in relationship with the essence and existence of spiritual and wholversical connections.

A Wellness Wholversant is a dedicated navigator, weaver, and celebrant who plays a pivotal role in helping individuals navigate the intricate landscape of their health and overall well-being. This multifaceted expert goes beyond conventional wellness approaches by embracing a holistic perspective that encompasses every dimension of a person's existence. From the physical realm, where fitness and nutrition reign supreme, to the intricate nuances of mental and emotional well-being, a Wellness Wholversant is well-versed in the art of nurturing balance and vitality.

However, what sets a Wellness Wholversant apart is their profound understanding of the soulual and spiritual aspects of well-being. They recognize that true wellness transcends the physical and mental realms, delving deep into the essence and existence of one's spiritual and wholversical connections. By acknowledging the profound interconnectedness of mind, body, soul, spirit, and whole a Wellness Wholversant helps individuals tap into their inner wisdom, guiding them towards a state of profound harmony and fulfillment.

Moreover, a Wellness Wholversant recognizes that wellness is not a solitary journey but a collective endeavor that extends to well-living with others. They provide insights into nurturing positive relationships, fostering community bonds, and weaving and celebrating the intricacies of human connection. Their guidance encompasses wholistic psychosocial safety requirements, ensuring that individuals thrive not only in their individual well-being but also in their interactions for the world, with the planet, and from the whole. 

In essence, a Wellness Wholversant is a beacon of comprehensive well-being, embracing the totality of human existence. They empower individuals to embrace their physical vitality, nurture their emotional resilience, and embark on a profound soulual and spiritual journey. They facilitate well-living not just for the self but for the collective, recognizing that true wellness extends beyond the individual and radiates outward, touching the lives of others and contributing to a harmonious, interconnected world, planet, and wholverse.

The Wellness Wholversant's Role Can:

*partial list for introduction

  • Develop Plans for Physical Well-Being
  • Explore exercises, nutrition, and health routines that promote physical vitality
  • Create Strategies for Mental-Emotional Health
  • Dive into techniques for managing distress, nurturing emotional resilience, and fostering mental well-being
  • Incorporate Soulual Well-Being Practices
  • Discuss the concepts of soulual well-being and explore practices that enhance your spiritual and soulual connection

Moving Forward

Your SoloAging journey can be enriched by prioritizing your health (wellness) and well-being (well-living).

By focusing on physical, mental-emotional, and soulual well-being, you'll not only navigate the challenges of SoloAging confidently but also lead a fulfilling and balanced well-living life in concert with spiritual and wholversical considerations.

Time to become a Wellness Wholversant!

Watercolor Forest
Collage of Persons
House and Woods

Along the journey as you weave your tapestry, understanding StoryScope and Legacy are important concepts and practices. A quick reminder of both follow: 

Understanding the StoryScope

Our lives are stories waiting to be told, narratives that unfold with each passing day.

The metaphor of "StoryScope" invites us to view this narrative through different lenses. Just as telescopes reveal the vastness of the universe, microscopes uncover the intricacies of the microscopic world, stethoscopes listen to our vital sounds of living, our StoryScope allows us to explore and find the full spectrum of our daily existence.

Our daily lives resemble a kaleidoscope, with each decision, action, and interaction contributing to the ever-shifting, meaningful pattern.

As SoloAgers and seasoned professionals, you have a unique perspective on life's twists and turns. Your legacy is not only a reflection of your past-present but a blueprint for the future-present.

Legacy: The Useful Whats

Legacy is often associated with material wealth, but it extends far beyond possessions. Legacy comprises the "useful whats" we leave behind, including our time, effort, and money. These elements are the building blocks and seedbeds of our legacy, and how we allocate, plant them shapes the stories we share.

For SoloAgers, who have accumulated a wealth-wellth of experiences and knowledge, legacy is about passing on wisdom and lessons. Your is about preserving your story as it is about empowering others to write their chapters more skillfully. As professionals and educators, your legacy resides in the work you shared, the values you instilled, and the innovations you sparked.


Guide to Programming through WELLth Movement 

for SoloLiving-SoloAging: Professionals and ParaProfessionals

Legacy EcoSystem and Path Map is the place and space for collaborative conversations about all things living legacy life. Audience: Those living a sololiving, soloagaing lifestyle (and their friends). 

Click image to learn more...

Legacy Agora EcoSystem

If you have a Question and/or Comment
about one or more of the Programs and Projects

in the Legacy Agora EcoSystem and/or the PathMap,
please use this form. TU!

PS: The System and Maps are subject to Edits.


Moving Forward SoloLiving Legacy Life... as a SoloAger

Embracing SoloAging demands both introspection and action. SoloAgers, Empty Nesters, Orphan Elders, Widows/Widowers can navigate this phase with confidence by understanding the core concepts and practices, addressing the challenges, and embracing the benefits.

They can forge a path that is uniquely theirs and one that encompasses personal growth, independence, and the creation of a meaningful legacy. 

If You are ready to take the next steps in your Confident SoloLiving, SoloAging journey,
review the Legacy EcoSystem and PathMap, and select your starting point.
Alternatively, book a free call to gain clarity on your path forward.
Your legacy life awaits; embrace SoloAging with confidence.

Legacy Agora EcoSystem

Transparency: AI-assisted based on priming and prompting! Considerable editing followed. 

Wellth Vision Board

The WELLth Movement Vision Board for 2023 and more...


It's all about sharing the legacy you intend to live (and leave).

For more in-depth insights about:
INVITE Soloaging Olders to be Elders
who discover, shape, and share the legacy
they intend to live and leave Start here 
Certification as a mentor Start here

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Stephen Hobbs EdD


Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Write about Older to Elder Legacy Life
- Walk with Nature as My Educator 
- Share the Legacy I Intend to Live

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